Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 9월 8일(금), 오후 2시 30분] Prof. ROBERT F. KLIE, Washington University

[세미나: 9월 8일(금), 오후 2시 30분] Prof. ROBERT F. KLIE, Washington University




Functional Imaging at the Atomic Scale




Prof. ROBERT F. KLIE, Washington University




- 1994 ~ 1997 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany

- 1996 Vordiplom First Class in Physics

- 1997 ~ 1998 B. Sc. First Class Honors in Applied Physics, Kingston University, London, UK 

- 1998 ~ 2002 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL




- 2002. 5. ~ 2005. 5. Goldhaber Distinguished Fellow, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department

 * Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, Center for Functional Nanomaterials

- 2005. 5. ~ 2006. 12. Assistant Scientist

 * University of Illinois Chicago - Department of Physics

- 2022. 10. ~ present Professor (Courtesy Appointment), University of Illinois Chicago - Department of Civil, Materials & Environmental Engineering 

- 2017. 5. ~ present Faculty Leader, Functional and Regenerative Materials Group

- 2015. 4. ~ present Faculty Fellow, Honors College

- 2012. 12. ~ present Academic Director for the Electron Microscopy Core

- 2006. 8. ~ 2011. 8. Assistant Professor

- 2011. 8. ~ 2016. 8. Associate Professor 

- 2016. 8. Professor

- 2023. 1. Head of Department



| Date | Friday, September 8th, 2023

| Time | 14:30 ~ 

| Venue | 33동 228호




Over the last two decades, we have witnessed a paradigm change in the way we characterize materials using electron microscopy. This latest revolution in resolution began in the late 1990’s with the first successful implementation of an objective lens aberration corrector, which improved the spatial resolution of transmission (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) by more than a factor of two to below 50 pm. These developments were followed by faster, more sensitive direct electron (CMOS) detectors, monochromated electron sources for electron spectroscopy and, most recently, magnetic field-free lenses. As the result of these transformational discoveries, we are now able to study materials with unprecedented resolution, sensitivity and precision. While spatial and energy resolutions better than 60 pm and 10 meV have been reported, aberration-corrected TEM has also enabled a large variety of in-situ experiments at close to atomic resolution. 

In my talk, I will highlight how the TEM instrumentation has evolved over the last two decades providing state-of-the-art atomic-resolution characterization capabilities for a wide range of materials applications, including novel multi-valent ion batteries, thin-film solar cells, novel high-Tc superconductors and 2-dimensional materials. In particular, I will demonstrate how the combination of cryo-STEM and high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) has led to the discovery of novel 1-dimensial lepidocrocite TiO2 nano-filaments with intriguing intercalation and optical properties, as well as our recent demonstration of direct synthesis of single-terminated MXenes using thin-film synthesis approaches, with surface-group dependent superconducting behaviors.  I will conclude by presenting a vision for the future of electron microscopy, including new instrument designs that will allow for unprecedented imaging and spectroscopy conditions at the sample and will also enable novel operando multi-modal methods.  



| Host | 김미영 교수(02-880-9239)