Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 5월 15일(월), 오전 10시] Prof. Sung Hoon Kang, Johns Hopkins University

[세미나: 5월 15일(월), 오전 10시] Prof. Sung Hoon Kang, Johns Hopkins University


Bio-inspired materials with self-adaptable mechanical properties and damage mitigation



Prof. Sung Hoon Kang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute, Institute for NanoBioTechnology, Johns Hopkins University



Sung Hoon Kang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. He earned a Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics at Harvard University and M.S. and B.S. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT and Seoul National University, respectively. Sung Hoon has been investigating solutions to address current challenges in engineering materials, structures and devices with applications including resiliency, sensing, energy, and healthcare. In particular, he investigates behaviors of coupled mechanical systems by numerical modeling, nano/micro/macro fabrication, 3D printing, 3D structural/material/mechanical characterizations, and in vitro/in vivo testing. His research has been supported by AFOSR, NSF, NIH, ARO, ONR, State of Maryland, and private foundations. Throughout his career, Sung Hoon has co-authored 59 papers, has given over 180 presentations (including over 110 invited talks), and has six patents and five pending patents. His honors include 2023 Young Innovator Award by Nano Research, Invitee for First US-Africa Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium, 2022 Hanwha Non-Tenured Faculty Award, 2021, 2020 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2020 Johns Hopkins University Catalyst Award, 2019 Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering Research Lab Excellence Award, Invitee for 2019 China-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, FY 2018 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program Award, Invitee for 2016 National Academy of Engineering US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, and 2011 Materials Research Society Graduate Students Gold Award. He served as an editorial board member of Scientific Reports and a guest editor of Materials Research Society Bulletin. Currently, he serves as an editorial board member of Multifunctional Materials and Sensors, respectively. He has been co-organizing ~35 symposia on bioinspired materials, 3D printing, and mechanical metamaterials at international conferences. He is a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Materials Research Society (MRS), American Physical Society (APS), and Society of Engineering Science (SES). He served as the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Editor of ASME Technical Committee on Mechanics of Soft Materials.


| Date | Monday, May 15th, 2023

| Time | 10:00 ~ 

| Venue | 33동 125호(WCU 다목적실)



Adaptability is one of the hallmarks of living systems that provide resilience to survive and flourish in a dynamically changing environment. I will present our efforts to study coupled mechanical systems toward mechanically adaptive materials. I will start with the overview of my research, then focus on our recent efforts, followed by future directions.


I will present self-adaptive materials that can change their mechanical properties depending on loading conditions by the coupling between loading and material synthesis [1]. Nature produces outstanding materials for structural applications, such as bone and wood, that can adapt to their surrounding environment. For instance, bone regulates mineral quantity proportional to the amount of stress. It becomes stronger in locations subjected to higher mechanical loads. This capability leads to the formation of mechanically efficient structures for optimal biomechanical and energy-efficient performance. However, it has been challenging for synthetic materials to change and adapt their structures and properties to address the changing loading condition.


 To address the challenge, we are inspired by the findings that bones are formed by mineralizing ions from blood onto scaffolds. I will present a material system that triggers mineral deposition from ionic solutions on scaffolds upon mechanical loadings so that it can self-adapt to mechanical loadings. For example, the mineralization rate could be modulated by controlling the loading condition, and a 30-180% increase in the modulus of the material was observed upon cyclic loadings whose range and rate of the property change could be modulated by varying the loading condition. Moreover, our preliminary results showed that the material system showed a decrease in crack propagation speed by ~90%, resulting in significantly improved fatigue lifetime from its damage mitigation mechanism. To expand the environment that the material can be utilized, we have investigated synthesis of liquid-infused porous piezoelectric composites inspired by bone and pitcher plant [2]. I will present our synthesis approach and resulting mechanical properties. The material showed over 200% increase in modulus and 170% dissipation after 4.5 million cycles, demonstrating self-adaptive behavior in non-liquid environment. 


We envision that our findings open new strategies for making synthetic materials with self-adaptable mechanical properties, leading to more resilient and sustainable systems with applications including automotive, aerospace, and healthcare.



1. S. Orrego, Z. Chen, U. Krekora, D. Hou, S.-Y Jeon, M. Pittman, C. Montoya, Y. Chen, S. H. Kang, “Bioinspired materials with self-adaptable mechanical properties,” Advanced Materials, 32, 1906970 (2020).

2. T.-S. Wong, S. H. Kang, S. K. Y. Tang, E. J. Smythe, B. D. Hatton, A. Grinthal, and J. Aizenberg, “Bioinspired Self-Repairing Slippery Surfaces with Pressure-Stable Omniphobicity,” Nature, 477, 443-447 (2011).


| Host | 강승균 교수 (02-880-5756)