Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 6월 14일(수), 오후 1시] Prof. Jun Ma, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

[세미나: 6월 14일(수), 오후 1시] Prof. Jun Ma, Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Advanced forming of aluminium profiles for EV applications



Prof. Jun Ma, Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Professional Experiences

- 2021. 09. ~ present Associate Professor, NTNU - Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Trondheim, Norway

- 2019. 09. ~ 2021. 09. Postdoctoral Fellow, NTNU - Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Trondheim, Norway

- 2018. 05. ~ 2019. 05. Research Assistant, Hong Kong PolyU - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong, China 



- 2018 ~ 2019 Hong Kong PolyU, Joint Ph.D. degree

- 2009 ~ 2019 Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an), China, B.E., M.E, Ph.D



Jun is an Associate Professor at Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He studied at Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi’an) and Hong Kong Polytechnic University between 2009 and 2019 and received B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering (materials processing). He joined NTNU as a postdoctoral fellow in Sept 2019 and was promoted to a tenured faculty member in Sept 2021. Jun's research endeavour at NTNU is more on the design and development of advanced metal forming and manufacturing processes (aluminium extrusion, bending/forming, recycling, etc., in particular) for both mass and customized production, by seeking the epistemological understanding of physical essence in the manufacturing processes/chains for developing innovative solutions toward improved accuracy/property of products, productivity, profitability, and sustainability. Jun has published more than 60 papers in top-notched journals and conferences, and given about 30 academic presentations at conferences, institutes, and industries.


| Date | Wendsday, June 14th, 2023

| Time | 13:00 ~ 

| Venue | 33동 223호(동부세미나실)



Aluminium has attracted increased applications in different industrial sectors due to its superior properties that consumers seek, and is one of the most recycled and recyclable materials in use today. In particular, light-weighting with aluminium is becoming one of the most effective ways to improve the energy efficiency of electric vehicles (EVs). Norway has a world-standing role in the aluminium value chain and is actively promoting the green transition in the production of aluminium materials and products.

In this talk, two parts will be particularly introduced. In the first part, an overview of the research and innovation aligning with the aluminium value chain at NTNU Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering will be introduced, with a focus on the facilities and projects in the advanced extrusion and manufacturing processes. In the second part, some recent research activities on extrusion and forming for manufacturing EV components in the metal forming research group will be briefly presented, such as multi-scale modelling of the extrusion process chain for complex profiles, 3D flexible rotary stretching forming, in-process monitoring/control of bending processes, durability study of formed components. In addition, several draft ideas on how to use recycled aluminium in the forming and manufacturing of advanced structural components will be discussed.





| Host | 이명규 교수 (02-880-1711)