Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[콜로퀴엄: 10월 5일(수), 오후 5시] 한국화학연구원, 김동욱 책임연구원

[콜로퀴엄: 10월 5일(수), 오후 5시] 한국화학연구원, 김동욱 책임연구원 



고분자 전해질 기반 전고체전지의 현안 및 전망 (Issues and prospect in solid state batteries based on polymer electrolytes)



한국화학연구원 화학소재연구본부 에너지소재연구센터, 김동욱 책임연구원



- 1987 - 1991  서울대학교 섬유고분자공학과 / 공학사

- 1991 - 1993  서울대학교 섬유고분자공학과 / 공학석사

- 1993 - 1998  서울대학교 섬유고분자공학과 / 공학박사


Professional experiences

- 1999 - 2002  Univ. Massachusetts Lowell (미국) / 박사후 연구원

- 2002 - 현재  한국화학연구원 화학소재연구본부 에너지소재연구센터/ 책임연구원

- 2010 - 2011  IBM (Almaden Research Center, 미국) / 방문연구원

- 2011 - 2011  지식경제R&D전략기획단/ 전문위원

- 2012 - 현재  과학기술연합대학원대학교(UST)/ 교수


| Date | Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

| Time | 17:00 ~ 

| Venue | #201, Bldg. 43-1 (43-1동 201호)

            온라인 줌 링크 (**

            회의 ID: 277 144 5843

** 줌링크는 외부 교수님들과 코로나로 인해 들어오지 못하는 학생들을 위한 줌 주소입니다.  재료콜로퀴엄 수강생들은 대면으로 참석하셔야합니다. 



Lithium-ion batteries have many applications in smart phones, laptop computers, electric vehicles, and large energy storage systems. Currently, lithium-ion batteries are operated using liquid electrolytes based on organic carbonates. Liquid electrolytes possess high ionic conductivity and are well adapted for the mass production of batteries; however, they have an increased risk of leakage and fire. To solve this problem, many solid electrolytes with high safety and stability have been studied. Solid electrolytes currently under development are oxide-, sulfide-, and polymer-based. Inorganic oxide electrolytes have high contact resistance due to their high rigidity, and sulfide electrolytes have chemical stability issues due to their high reactivity. Solid polymer electrolytes with flame-resistivity and mechanical strength are considered promising alternatives to overcoming the inherent safety problem of the liquid electrolyte. In addition, its softness and flexibility allow solid polymer electrolytes to be compatible with the roll-to-roll fabrication process, which is a significant advantage over solid inorganic electrolytes from a manufacturing point of view. For the realization of solid polymer electrolytes-based batteries, however, several issues such as interfacial resistance, mechanical property, ionic conductivity, and electrochemical stability should be addressed. In this talk, the recent approaches to solve the problems and prospect for commercialization of the solid state battery based on polymer electrolytes will be presented and discussed.     


| Host | Prof. Woong-Ryeol Yu (880-9096)