Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 9월 20일(화), 오후 2시] University of Chicago, 유재형 박사

[세미나: 9월 20일(화), 오후 2시] University of Chicago, 유재형 박사



Engineering 2D materials interface for new mechanics



University of Chicago, Postdoctoral Researcher, 유재형 박사



- Ph. D. in Mechanical science and engineering 2020

  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  • Advisor : Dr. Arend M. van der Zande & Dr. Elif Ertekin 

  • Thesis : “ Mechanics of two-dimensional van der Waals interfaces under the three-dimensional deformation”

- M. S. in Mechanical science and engineering 2015

  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA

  • Advisor : Dr. Elif Ertekin

  • Thesis : “Establishing framework of quantum Monte Carlo calculation on II-V semiconductor”

- B. S. in Mechanical engineering 2012 (Magna cum laude)

  • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea 


Professional Experience

- 2020 ~ present  Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Chicago, Advisor: Professor Jiwoong Park

- 2016 ~ 2020     Research Assistant in mechanical engineering (Ph. D); University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

- 2013 ~ 2015     Research Assistant in mechanical engineering (M.S); University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)


| Date | Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

| Time | 14:00 ~  

| Venue | 33동 223호 (동부 세미나실)    




van der Waals interfaces formed with 2D materials can tune the atomic registry, which changes atomic-to-mesoscale interactions at the interfaces. Thus, the interfaces are utilized to a platform to engineer new physical phenomena, including quantum physics, optoelectronics, and magnetic materials. However, it still remains not clear how the interfaces influence the mechanics and mechanical properties of the materials. Here, we present the new mechanics that arise at the van der Waals interfaces formed between 2D materials with other 2D materials, polymer substrates, and liquid surfaces. The extreme anisotropy between in-plane and out-of-plane modulus induces an ultra-soft bending mechanism of multilayer graphene, which contradicts the conventional continuum bending model. We also tune the bending stiffness of 2D heterostructure by engineering the atomic registry among the individual layers. Furthermore, the surface topography of 2D materials can be regulated by the interfaces formed with the stretchable polymer substrate. At last, we demonstrate large-scale 2D transition dichalcogenides monolayer on a water surface as a new 2D mechanics platform, which can be utilized to study the mechanics of 2D materials and 2D robotic system.


| Host | 이관형 교수 (880-8366)