Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 6월 16일(목), 오후 2시] 한국기계연구원, 이재종 연구위원
[세미나: 6월 16일(목), 오후 2시] 한국기계연구원, 이재종 연구위원

Multi-functional nanoimprint lithography systems and its biological-medical applications

한국기계연구원(KIMM) 나노융합기계연구본부, 이재종 연구위원

- 1985  전북대학교 정밀기계공학과(BS)
- 1987  카이스트 생산공학과(MS)
- 1998  카이스트 기계공학부(Ph.D)

Professional experiences
- 1987.9 ~ 현재 연구위원 나노융합기계연구본부, 한국기계연구원 
- 2014.4 ~ 2017.4 본부장, 나노융합기계연구본부, 한국기계연구원  
- 2001.3 ~ 2014.6 한국기계연구원 지능형정밀기계연구부 책임연구원(그룹장)
- 2005.3 ~ 현재 교수, UST (University of Science and Technology)
- 2005.5 ~ 2005.8 교환연구원 Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland 
- 2014.1 ~ 현재 Journal of Nano Convergence (SCIE), Lead Guest Editor 및 편집위원 
- 2012.1 ~ 현재 Journal of the KSMTE 편집위원
- 2015.1 ~ 현재 International Program Committee member, Micro and Nano Engineering
- 2016.1 ~ 현재 Microelectronic Engineering (SCI), Associate Editor
- 2019.5 ~ 현재 Materials (SCI), Special Issue (Lithography), Guest Editor
- 2015.1 ~ 현재 Micro and Nano Engineering, Inter. Program Committee Member
- 2015.1 ~ 현재 Nano-Imprint Mold and Printing, 프로그램위원장, 조직위원장
- 2018 International Conf. on ETME 2018, Committee member
- 2021.1 ~ 현재 Nano Korea 프로그램 위원장(2022), 부위원장(2021)
- 2020.1 ~ 현재 한국공학한림원 일반회원
- 2017.1 ~ 현재 한국바이오칩학회 회원
- 1989.5 ~ 현재 대한기계학회 종신회원, 평의원 (2016~)
- 2022.1 ~ 2022.12 대한기계학회 회장(선출직)
- 2021.1 ~ 2021.12 대한기계학회 추계조직위원장, 수석부회장(선출직)
- 2018.1 ~ 2019.12 대한기계학회 부회장(선출직) 및 기계산업혁신위원회 위원장
- 2016.2 ~ 2017.12 대한기계학회 IT융합부문 회장
- 2015.1 ~ 2018.12 한국생산제조학회(KSMTE) 부회장, 나노마이크로부문 위원장
- 2014.1 ~ 2016.1 대한기계학회 IT융합부문 재정부회장

| Date | Thursday, June 16th, 2022
| Time | 14:00 ~ 
| Venue | 온라인 (, 회의 ID 979 0608 2110 )

With the recognition of nanotechnology as one of the future strategic technologies, the R&D efforts have been performed under exclusive supports of governments and private sectors.  At present, nanotechnology is at the focus of research and public attention in almost every advanced country including USA, Japan, and many others in EU.  Keeping tracks of such technical trends, Center for Nanoscale Mechatronics and Manufacturing (CNMM) and BioNano Health-Guard Research Center are established in Korea as a part of national nanotechnology promotion policy led by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP). It will hold widespread potential applications in electronics, optical electronics, biotechnology, micro systems, etc, with the promises of commercial visibility and competitiveness. In this paper, multi-functional nanoimprint lithography technology which is well-known the next generation lithography, roll- and roll-plate-typed nanoimprint lithography (R-NIL) and the key technology for nanomanufacturing and nanoscale measurement technology will be introduced [1-3]. Additionally, some achievements which were obtained in solar cell, biosensor for alzheimer’s disease, hard disk drive, and MOSFET using the nanoimprint lithography system are introduced.

1. C. Moormann, N. Koo, J.W. Kim, U. Plachetka, F. Schlachter, C. Nowak, Microelec. Eng. 100 (2012), 28-32
2. H.J. Lim, G.H. Kim, K.B. Choi, M.R. Jeong, J.H. Ryu, J.J. Lee, Microelec. Eng. 98 (2012), 279-283
3. H.H. Park, H.J. Lim, S.H. Lee, J.J. Lee, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 30(6) (2012), 06FB11-1
H.J. Lim, G.H. Kim, K.B. Choi, M.R. Jeong, J.H. Ryu, J.J. Lee, Microelec. Eng. 98 (2012), 279-283
H.H. Park, H.J. Lim, S.H. Lee, J.J. Lee, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 30(6) (2012), 06FB11-1

| Host | 김상국 교수(02-880-5854)