Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 5월 31일(금), 오전 10시] Prof. Bingyang Shi, Macquarie University

[세미나: 5월 31일(금), 오전 10시] Dr Bingyang Shi, Henan-Macquarie University Joint Centre for Biomedical Innovation



Nanomedicine Development Strategies for Brain Cancer Therapy from New Target Discovery to Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Penetrative Drug Delivery System 



Prof. Bingyang Shi, NHMRC Leadrship Fellow, Associate Professor, Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Macquarie University


* Biography

Dr Bingyang Shi is a NHMRC Leadership fellow and Director of Henan-Macquarie University Joint Centre for Biomedical Innovation. His research ambition is to address a major challenge in the treatment of brain diseases – which is the successful delivery of therapeutic agents across the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) – the BBB acts as a cellular barrier that prevents toxins, foreign materials, and other dangerous molecules from entering the brain, however as a consequence this poses major challenges for getting therapeutic molecules into the brain. 

To overcome this, he has developed a series of core patented technologies (e.g. Bio-NP and Glu-NP with five US patents as inventor) for brain delivery systems, delivered more than 100 peer-reviewed publications (more than 50% are first & senior author) in well-known journals including Nature Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Angewandte Chemie, ACS Nano, Nano Today with more than 7600 citations, attracting more than $16 M US competitive funding (>$ 9 M US in CIA grants, e.g., NHMRC Peter Doherty Fellowship, NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Development Fellowship, Australian Endeavour Leadership Fellowship, Mason project, NHMRC project, ARC DP and NHMRC Investigator grants) setting up global collaboration networks (across Australia, US, Singapore, Korea and China), establishing close connections with industry (Beam therapeutics, Minomic International and Eleaf) and hospital partners (e.g. Macquarie hospital, National Cancer Institute, Korea and Henan people’s hospital) and developing strong avenues for professional development and contribution (i.e., Executive Editor in-Chief, Exploration, Wiley; co-president of Nano-brain network). This impressive productivity has also been recognized in the field as an emerging leader, as exemplified by the award of the Biomaterials Young Investigator Award (2023, Society for Biomaterials and Biomaterials, Elsevier) and Rising Star in Nanobiotechnology (2022, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, Springer Nature). 


| Date | Friday May 31st , 2024

| Time | 10:00 ~ 

| Venue |  33동 125호(WCU 다목적실)



In this talk, he will share the research progress on exploring nanomedicine for brain cancer therapy from new target discovery to BBB penetrative drug delivery systems, from nanomedicine to preclinical evaluations towards clinical trials. His group can provide support researchers who is interested in the fields from systemic materials evaluation to well-established BBB penetrative delivery systems, from drug screening to animal model testing. 


| Host | 장호원 교수(02-880-1720)