Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 6월 3일(월), 오전 9시 30분] Prof. Andy Tay, National University of Singapore (NUS)

[세미나: 6월 3일(월), 오전 9시 30분] Prof. Andy Tay, National University of Singapore (NUS)



Innovating wound care with biomaterials



Prof. Andy Tay, Presidential Young Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS)


* Biography

Andy Tay graduated in 2014 from NUS with a First-Class Honors in Biomedical Engineering. He later headed to the University of California, Los Angeles for his PhD studies and graduated in 2017 as the recipient of the Harry M Showman Commencement Award. Andy next received his postdoctoral training at Stanford University before heading to Imperial College London as an 1851 Royal Commission Brunel Research Fellow. He is currently a Presidential Young Professor in NUS.


Andy is a recipient of international awards including the Interstellar Initiative Early-Career Faculty Award, Christopher Hewitt Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Terasaki Young Innovator Award. He is listed as a 2019 Forbes 30 Under 30 (US/Canada, Science), 2020 World Economic Forum Young Scientist and 2022/3 Top 2% Scientist in the World by Stanford University.


| Date | Monday, June 3rd , 2024

| Time | 09:30 ~ 

| Venue |  33동 328호 



The World Health Organization estimates that 10% of the world’s population suffers from diabetes, and diabetic patients have a 15-25% lifetime risk of getting diabetic foot ulcers. Every 20s, there is a lower extremity amputation worldwide. In this talk, I will describe three technologies that my lab has developed to accelerate wound healing. First, I will share how magnetic hydrogel that provides mechanical stimulation can promote cell growth for tissue repair. The second and third technologies center around the use of microneedles to deliver therapeutics and extraction of immune cells to treat inflammatory skin disorders. 


| Host | 도준상 교수(02-880-1605)