Seminar & Colloquium
[콜로퀴엄: 11월 15일(수), 오후 5시] 김광호 교수, 부산대학교
미래 혁신을 위한 하이브리드 계면 소재(Hybrid-Interface Materials for Future Innovations)
김광호 교수, 부산대학교 석학 교수
- 1982.03 - 1986.02 한국과학기술원 재료공학과 박사
- 1980.03 - 1982.02 한국과학기술원 재료공학과 석사
- 1976.03 - 1980.02 서울대학교 금속공학과 학사
Professional Experience
- 2023.01 - 현재 한국과학기술한림원 정회원
- 2018.03 - 현재 부산대학교 석학교수
- 2013.09 - 현재 하이브리드 인터페이스 기반 미래소재연구단 연구단장
- 2006.06 - 2013.12 하이브리드소재솔루션 국가핵심연구센터(NCRC) 센터장
- 1985.03 - 2023.02 부산대학교 재료공학부 교수
| Date | Wednesday, November 15th, 2023
| Time | 17:00 ~
| Venue | #101 Bldg. 43(43동 101호)
Hybrid interface technology is to form the connection in atomic, molecular and structural level among different kind of materials. It is to create the future materials of high-performance, hybrid-function and a nano-scale feature through design-syntheses-evaluation of interface composition and volume. Usually, extra-ordinary properties which had not been observed in micro-meter scale of bulk materials are often observed in nano-meter scale of thin film processing. For example, the super-hard phenomena arisen in many MeN/SiNx coating materials systems can be explained by a hybrid interface effect. The hybrid interface among different phases can cause kinds of hardening effects such as stronger bonding, new bonding structure, etc., and the fraction of hybrid interface volume compared to bulk one be maximized in nano-scale synthesis like thin film processing.
Adoption of the hybrid-interface concept and modification of the interface energy for improving conventional properties, and generation of new function through hybridizing two characteristic materials is introduced and discussed in this talk.
| Host | 한흥남 교수(02-880-9240)