Seminar & Colloquium
[콜로퀴움: 10월 11일(수), 오후 5시] 김형도 교수, 서울대학교 물리·천문학부
자연은 자연스러운가?(입자물리와 우주론의 최첨단)
(Is nature natural?(Edge of particle physics and cosmology))
김형도 교수, 서울대학교 물리·천문학부
1991. 3. ~ 1994. 2. | Department of Physics, KAIST (B.S.)
1994. 3. ~ 1996. 2. | Department of Physics, KAIST (M.S. : Particle Physics)
1996. 3. ~ 2001. 2. | Department of Physics, KAIST (Ph.D. : Particle Physics)
2001. 3. ~ 2002. 9. | Research Fellow, School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
2002. 10. ~ 2003. 12. | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Physics, Ohio State University
2003. 12. ~ | Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, School of Physics, Seoul National University
2007. 8. 2008. 7 | Invited Professor, ITP, EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland)
2009. 1. ~ 2009. 8. | Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
2014. 9. ~ 2015. 8. | Member, IBM-Einstein fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
| Date | Wednesday, October 11th, 2023
| Time | 17:00 ~
| Venue | #101 Bldg. 43(43동 101호)
The Standard Model of particle physics which combines quantum mechanics and special relativity describes the microscopic world astonishingly well.
General Relativity describes gravitational phenomena extremely well. Nevertheless the combination of the Standard Model and General Relativity is not considered as the ultimate description of nature as the Higgs mass and the dark energy are unnatural in this framework.
I'll overview the attempts made in the past on the possibly natural explanations of two observables and current understanding we have.
Then I'll introduce my own work trying to understand the Higgs mass in terms of cosmology and share the implications of the explorations.
In this talk, I'll try my best to deliver the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and relativity which are basic building blocks in understanding nature.
Your active participation by questions and comments is more than welcome and it will be the most crucial component of the talk.
| Host | 한흥남 교수 (02-880-9240)