Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 9월 21일(목), 오전 10시] Head of nanofabrication. Mario Hentschel, The 4th Physics Institute and the Center for advanced quantum technologies at the University of Stuttgart
Plasmonic and Mie-tronic nanophotonic systems
Head of nanofabrication. Mario Hentschel, The 4th Physics Institute and the Center for advanced quantum technologies at the University of Stuttgart
Mario Hentschel studied physics at the University of Bonn and completed his diploma thesis “Non-linear Optical Spectroscopy of Metamaterials“ in the group of Prof. Manfred Fiebig in 2009. Afterwards he joined the group of Prof. Harald Giessen at the University of Stuttgart and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, finishing his Ph.D. summa cum laude in Physics in 2013 (“Complex 2D and 3D plasmonic nanostructures: Fano resonances, Chirality, and nonlinearities”). He was awarded a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and joined the Groups of Prof. A. Paul Alivisatos and Prof. Gábor A. Somorjai,at the University of California, Berkeley, USA and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 2015 he became head of nanofabrication at the 4th Physics Institute and the Center for advanced quantum technologies at the University of Stuttgart.
| Date | Thursday, September 21th, 2023
| Time | 10:00 ~
| Venue | 33동 125호, WCU 세미나실
Manipulating light on the nanoscale has become a central challenge in metadevices, resonant surfaces, nanoscale optical sensors and many more, requiring precise control over shape, composition, and arrangement of nanoscale optical systems. Nano- and microfabrication has thus become a central and enabling tool in this research. While commercial nanofabrication established major fabrication strategies along well-defined lines, in research the boundary condition change frequently, which requires to adapt establish processes to new materials and material classes In this talk I will give insight into some of our recent work in Mie-tronic and plasmonic systems touching on Mie voids for loss-free nanoscale light confinement in air, chiral plasmonics, electrically switchable active plasmonic systems based on metallic polymers, and other nanofabrication techniques.
| Host | 남기태 교수(02-880-7094)