Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 9월 8일(금), 오전 11시] Prof. Kamanio Chattopadhyay, Indian Institute of Science
Developing high-temperature alloys exploiting ordered precipitates, site occupancy and interfacial segregation
Prof. Kamanio Chattopadhyay, Indian Institute of Science
In a research career spanning 50 years, Professor Kamanio Chattopadhyay, a Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering from Banaras Hindu University, joined the faculty at Banaras Hindu University in 1975 and later joined the Indian Institute of Science in 1983. A Professor of Materials Engineering, he served the Institute in various positions, including chairman of several departments. He was Dean of Engineering at the Institute for an extended period till his superannuation. Currently, he occupies the National Science Chair, only the third engineer in the country to be bestowed with this honour. Among many accomplishments, he has founded the well-known Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Research and the Advanced Facility for Microscopy and Microanalysis at the Institute. During his professional career, he served as a visiting professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Tohoku University and Kyoto University. He spent time at large number of research establishments worldwide that resulting in extensive international research collaborations.
Recipient of the prestigious S.S.Bhatnagar Award in1995, he is also a recipient of numerous national awards, including elected fellow of all the science and engineering academies of the country. He is a past president and honorary member of the Indian Institute of Metals. Currently, he is an executive member of the International Federation of Society of Microscopy a member of the International Science Council of UNESCO.
Professor Chattopadhyay served as a chair of several international committees including the Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials committees, International committee on Nanostructure Materials and Quasicrystals. A past editor of the Journal of Materials Science published by Springer, he has also served as Guest editor of the International Journal ‘Materials Science and Engineering’, Elsevier and is a member of the editorial boards of several international journals. He was the first coordinator of the National Microgravity Programme of ISRO from 2003 to 2014 and successfully steered the first Indian science experiments aboard the Indian reentry vehicle SRE in 2007. He was the co-director from Indian side of the flagship thirty-four members consortium of Indian and American academic institutions and industries “Solar Energy Institute of India and the United States” called SERIIUS.
Professor Chattopadhyay is internationally recognized for his work on Quasicrystals, Nanomaterials, non-equilibrium processed metastable materials and the design of new high-temperature alloys, including superalloys. His extensive work on mechanically milled nanoscaled magnetic materials and free nanoparticles through cryomilling is well recognized. His current work on developing a new series of high-temperature, high-strength structural alloys in cobalt, aluminium and copper base alloy systems utilizing ordered intermetallics has attracted global attention and yielded several patents. He has supervised over 50 doctoral students and published over 500 papers in international journals.
| Date | Friday, September 8th, 2023
| Time | 11:00 ~
| Venue | 33동 125호(WCU 다목적실)
For the last ten years, our group at the Indian Institute of Science has utilized ordered precipitates and minor alloying elements to develop alloys with attractive high-temperature properties, including strength, oxidation, and coarsening resistance. The underlying principles adopted for such development are a) the introduction of alloying additions that yield coherent, ordered precipitates, b) ordered intermetallic compound that strengthens the alloy, c) the introduction of minor alloying additions that segregate at the interface to enhance the stability and strength of the precipitates and d) alloying additions that partition in the matrix and aid in reducing the diffusive flux and strengthen the matrix. We also show that site occupancy in ordered precipitates plays an important role in designing new alloys. We shall illustrate it by presenting recent results of a high specific strength cobalt-base alloy, a high strength Zr/Ta containing aluminium alloy and a high strength high conductivity copper alloy where the L12 ordered precipitates play an important role.
| Host | 박은수 교수(02-880-7221)