Seminar & Colloquium
공학분야 영어논문 작성법
Yoonsook Mo , Faculty of Liberal Education SNU
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana, IL, USA)
Ph. D. in Linguistics, 2010
Thesis: Prosody production and perception with conversational speech (Advisor: Prof. Jennifer Cole)
M. A. in Linguistics, 2006
M. A. in Teaching English as Second Language, 2003 (highest distinction)
Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea)
B. S. in Chemistry, 1996
-Teaching Associate Professor, Seoul National University, 2013-present
- Lecturer, Seoul National University, 2012-2014
- Full-time Lecturer, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, 2011-2012
- Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Illinois, 2010-2011
- SLCL Graduate Fellow, University of Illinois, 2009-2010
- Lecturer, University of Illinois, 2006-2008
- Graduate Research Assistant, University of Illinois, 2004-2009
- Best Student Paper Award, Speech Prosody 2010, Chicago, Illinois (2010)
- School of Literature, Culture and Linguistics Dissertation Completion Fellowship, University of Illinois (2009-2010)
- Chin W. Kim Research Award, University of Illinois (2008)
- Department of Linguistics Fellowship, University of Illinois (2005-2007)
- Cognitive Science/ Artificial Intelligence Group Summer Fellowship, Beckman Institute (2006)
- Peter Strevens Award for Academic Excellence, University of Illinois (2003)
- Verdell Frazier Young Awards, University of Illinois (2003)
| Date | Tuesday, September 14th, 2021
| Time | 14:00 ~
| Venue | 온라인 강의 (로 출석확인 해주세요.
Title: The Essentials of Writing Effective Research Papers in English for Engineers
Lecture 1. 영어논문작성법 1 (From Title to Introduction and Methodology)
효과적인 영어 논문 작성에 필요한 기본적인 논문 구조와 그 특징에 대해 소개하고, 효과적인 제목 작성부터 서론, 방법론 작성법에 대해 예시 논문을 들어 소개합니다. 또한, 논문 작성시 유용한 표현과 문법 사항을 소개합니다.)
Lecture 2. 영어논문작성법 2 (From Result to Discussion and Abstract)
논문 구조 중 결과와 토론 부분의 특징과 작성법에 대해 예시 논문을 들어 소개합니다. 또한 논문 초록의 특징과 작성법에 대해 소개하고, 논문 작성시 유용한 표현과 문법 사항을 소개합니다.
| Host | Prof. Sang-Koog Kim (880-5854)