Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 3월 16일(목), 오후 5시] Prof. Dr. Metin Sitti, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany

[세미나: 3월 16일(목), 오후 5시] Prof. Dr. Metin Sitti, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany



Bioinspired Soft-bodied Small-scale Mobile Robots



Prof. Dr. Metin Sitti, Director of the Physical Intelligence Department at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany



Metin Sitti is the Director of the Physical Intelligence Department at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany. He is also a Professor at ETH Zurich, Switzerland and Koç University, Turkey as side appointments, and he was a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University (2002-2014) and a research scientist at UC Berkeley (1999-2002) in USA before moving to Europa. He received his BSc (1992) and MSc (1994) degrees from Boğaziçi University, Turkey, and PhD degree from University of Tokyo, Japan (1999). His research interests include small-scale mobile robotics, bio-inspiration, wireless medical devices, and physical intelligence. He is an IEEE Fellow. He received the Highly Cited Researcher recognition (2021, 2022), Breakthrough of the Year Award in the Falling Walls World Science Summit (2020), ERC Advanced Grant (2019), Rahmi Koç Science Medal (2018), SPIE Nanoengineering Pioneer Award (2011), and NSF CAREER Award (2005). He received over 15 best paper and video awards at major conferences. He has supervised and mentored over 70 (26 current) PhD students and 70 (15 current) postdocs, where over 45 of his group alumni are professors around the world. He has published 2 books and over 380 journal articles, and has over 12 issued and 18 pending patents. He founded Setex Technologies Inc. to commercialize his lab’s gecko-inspired microfiber adhesive technology. He is the editor-in-chief of Progress in Biomedical Engineering and Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics and associate editor in Science Advances and Extreme Mechanics Letters journals.


| Date | Thursday, March 16th, 2023

| Time | 17:00 ~

| Venue | 온라인 줌

            회의 ID: 953 1074 7691

            암호: 1010



Inspired by soft-bodied animals, soft functional active materials could enable physical intelligence [1] for small-scale (from a few millimeters down to a few micrometers overall size) robots by providing them unique capabilities, such as shape changing and programming, physical adaptation, safe interaction with their environment, and multi-functional and drastically diverse dynamics. In this talk, our recent activities on design, fabrication, and control of new bio-inspired shape-programmable soft mobile robots at the milli/microscale are reported. Untethered soft millirobots inspired by spermatozoids, caterpillars, and jellyfishes are proposed using elastomeric magnetic composite materials [2-4]. Static and dynamic shapes of such magnetic active soft materials are programmed using a computational design methodology. These soft robots are demonstrated to be able to have seven or more locomotion modalities (undulatory swimming, jellyfish-like swimming, water meniscus climbing, jumping, ground walking, rolling, crawling inside constrained environments, etc.) in a single robot for the first time to be able to move on complex environments, such as inside the human body. Ultrasound-guided navigation of such soft robots is presented inside an ex vivo tissue towards their medical applications to deliver drugs and other cargo locally and heat the local tissues for hyperthermia and cauterization. Next, a more specialized soft-bodied jellyfish-inspired milliswimmer is shown to realize multiple functionalities by producing diverse controlled fluidic flows around its body using its magnetic composite elastomer lappets bent by remote magnetic fields [5]. This jellyfish robot can conduct four different robotic tasks: selectively trap and transport objects of two different sizes, burrow into granular media consisting of fine beads to either camouflage or search a target object, enhance the local mixing of two different chemicals, and generate a desired concentrated chemical path. Then, an array of biological cilia-inspired magneto-elastic cilia is developed to generate metachronal waves for efficient biofluid pumping and fluidic object transport [6]. Micronscale [7] or reprogrammable [8] soft robots and advanced 3D heterogeneous material-based assembly techniques [9] are proposed to create more complex soft robots and medical devices. Such bio-inspired wireless soft millirobots are aimed to be used in minimally invasive medical operations inside the human body in the near future [10].


| Host | 강승균 교수 (02-880-5756)