Seoul National Univ. DMSE

Seminar & Colloquium

Seminar & Colloquium
[세미나: 1월 5일(목), 오후 1시] California Institute of Technology, 박진수 박사

[세미나: 1월 5일(목), 오후 1시] California Institute of Technology, 박진수 박사



Spin-phonon interactions and spin decoherence from first-principles



박진수 박사, Postdoctoral Scholar, Bernardi Lab (Advisor: Prof. Marco Bernardi), California Institute of Technology




- 2022 Ph.D. in Applied Physics, Advisor: Prof. Marco Bernardi

         California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA 

- 2020 M.S. in Applied Physics, Advisor: Prof. Marco Bernardi

         California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA 2020

- 2016 B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S. in Physics. Summa Cum Laude

         Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2016


Professional Experience

- 2022-Present Postdoctoral Scholar, Bernardi Lab (Advisor: Prof. Marco Bernardi), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA

- 2016-2022    Research Assistant, Bernardi Lab (Advisor: Prof. Marco Bernardi), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA 

- 2015-2016    Undergraduate Researcher, Condensed Matter Theory Lab (Advisor: Prof. Jaejun Yu), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 

- 2013-2015    Undergraduate Researcher, Photonic System Lab (Advisor: Prof. Namkyoo Park), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 


| Date | Thursday, January 5th, 2023

| Time | 13:00 ~  

| Venue | 33동 328호



Developing a microscopic understanding of spin decoherence is essential to advancing quantum technologies. Electron spin decoherence due to atomic vibrations (phonons) plays a special role as it sets an intrinsic limit to the performance of spin-based quantum devices. Two main sources of phonon-induced spin decoherence, the Elliott-Yafet (EY) [1] and Dyakonov-Perel (DP) mechanisms, have distinct physical origins and theoretical treatments. In this talk, I will present a rigorous framework that unifies their modeling and enables accurate predictions of spin relaxation and precession in semiconductors [2].  I compute the phonon-dressed vertex of the spin-spin correlation function with a treatment analogous to the calculation of the anomalous electron magnetic moment in QED [3]. These calculations show that the vertex correction provides a giant renormalization of the electron spin dynamics in solids, greater by many orders of magnitude than the corresponding correction from photons in vacuum. In summary, I will demonstrate a general approach for quantitative analysis of spin decoherence in materials, advancing the quest for spin-based quantum technologies.


[1] J. Park, J.-J. Zhou, M. Bernardi, Phys. Rev. B 101, 045202 (2020)  

[2] J. Park, Y. Luo, J.-J. Zhou, and M. Bernardi, Phys. Rev. B 106, 174404 (2022) 

[3] J. Park, J.-J. Zhou, Y. Luo, and M. Bernardi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 197201 (2022) 


| Host | 한승우 교수 (02-880-1541)