Seoul National Univ. DMSE
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FactSage Virtual Workshop (MOLTEN 2021): Prof. In-Ho Jung’s group

FactSage Virtual Workshop (MOLTEN 2021): Prof. In-Ho Jung’s group


As part of the MOLTEN 2021 International conference (Feb. 22~25), FactSage workshop was held virtually on Feb. 15~19. In this workshop, FactSage software was instructed and many real case study problems in pyrometallurgy were solved using the software.

As this workshop was held in virtual format, in particular, more than 80 participants from Asia, Middle East, Europe, America, Africa, and Australia participated in the workshop and all satisfied by the workshop program. This workshop was instructed by Profs In-Ho Jung and Marie-Aline Van Ende who are the core developer of the software.

Annual FactSage workshop in Korea was also held virtually in Feb. 3~5 with more than 120 participants. This annual Korean workshop has been continued since 2005, and educated more than 1100 students and researchers so far.